CoffeeParty's new book, In Search of Lost Coffee 9 has been released on Nov. 2020, at Comitia. Thank you for your support!
Next one, this year 2021 edition is vol.10, 10th anniversary!!!
Although, I have no specific plan at the moment because the situation is quite unpredictable by Covid19. Still, 2021 project has started, as usual!
This year, I aim end of year Comic Market. If it was cancelled, the nearest COMITIA is the event. (Jan or Feb 2022)
What CoffeeParty is?CoffeeParty is a Doujin Group by Nao Yazawa and releases "In Search of Lost Coffee" series every autumn, since 2012.
The member is recruited every year via internet, from whole world. Some members sell the book at conventions they attend. It's open for everyone.
How to join?e-mail to with a subject " Coffee Party 2020"
Just raise your hand is fine, let me know your name/pen-name FB account (if you have) . You can decide how many pages you take later.
You can join from 1 page ~ no limit. I ask you 600 yen/page, via PayPal.
You need to have a credit card or PayPal account.
Adding that, you required comment and backcover color image.
You'll get 5-10 copies. Under 5 pages :5 copies more than that, 10 copies.
(Shipping cost is not included. It depends on the pages of the book, but would be about 700 -1500 yen) If you want more copies, you can tell me.
There is 2 deadline, one for page plan (how many pages you'll draw) and one for finished data(drawings). The deadlines, comment and backcover image size will be announced after all members are cleared.
First Dead line (page plan) October 15
Final Deadline (Finished data-drawings) November 15
Comment and backcover deadline will be announced later.
Member's name will be accounted on FB page occasionally.
The subjectcan be anything about Coffee Party characters. Croissant, Eclair, Dango, and others. 4-koma, 8-koma, illustration, manga, comic, everything is OK.
You should take Croissant or Eclair at least. You can add your original character if you like - he or she should be named by a sweet (hairstyle), typical one in your country (Something nice with coffee).
On the first page, your name and title(if you have) are required. (see below images)

The language must be English, I'll add Japanese subtitle later. So please keep some space for subtitle. Of course you can add the Japanese subtitle by yourself.
Black and White (not grey scale)
You don't need export the file, both Clip Studio and Manga studio file are acceptable. But all the text layers should be rasterized. (I recommend to keep the text layers. You can put all text layers in one folder and copy it, then merge the folder. It's automatically rasterized. )
Color image is 400dpi, clip studio/Tif/Jpeg(100%) CMYK
Relay MangaSince 2017, I've started relay manga again, with Mark Egan. You also can read it on Pixiv page. We got a new member Faith in 2019, so Vol. 8 has 3 creators' "Lost in Coffee Space" story. We are still looking for someone who can join us anytime. If you are interested in, send FB message or email to me!
You can read the first 2 episodes from here!
Relay manga Vol.6
We look forward to having you join us!In Search of Lost Coffee vol.9 is now on sale.
Mail order page