I asked the time table of my flight to make a plan for my cat sitter, what time she comes to my place and so on. Comic Zulia said the certain time was not sure yet, but the departure time would be in the afternoon.
The flight takes about 24h, transfer twice, (Tokyo - USA -Maracaibo) and 2 days! @.@ I checked some flight schedules on the web, according to the result, you have 10-19 hour lay-over in US airport. 10- 19 hours! I've never had such a long journey before!
I've not thought that I travel to South America by myself - it's very far, I don't speak Spanish at all, it's safety problem, so on. (Package tour is very expensive) So this one is really a good opportunity!
And of course it is great pleasure to meet manga fans in Venezuela. It's my first visit to South America & Spanish-speaking world. I'm really looking forward.
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