Moko died early on January 5th. Thanks for wards of condolences on FB and Twitter.
He got a problem with his hind legs on Dec. 31. He tried to walk but his hind legs hardly worked. Still, he ate some food by himself and walked with a stagger to a cat litter and did pee. (outside of the litter)
I talked with his vet on the phone, and decided to stay home, didn't go to the vet. It would not be good for him, just adding more stress, I thought.
I didn't post anything about it, because it didn't suit subject in new year. That's the reason I wrote nothing the post of 3rd January. I didn't know anything to write.
His condition become very ill rapidly, he hardly walked by 3rd. But he wanted to go to toilet, so I hold him in the cat litter. It seemed to work the first time, but just once. Then, he had a major convulsive seizure early on Jan. 4th.
Fortunately -- or unfortunately, he survived from the seizure, but he has no strength anymore, just breathing. I stayed with him, changed his pose and gave him some water regularly. Then, he was gone on the next day.

I'm going to Toronto for 3 weeks from 12th Feb. and I was worried about Moko during my absence, because he'd become weak recently. I'm scared if he died alone. No more worry. In a way, it might be lucky he died when I could stay with him. I was by his bedside when he did his the last breath.
I lived with him more than 17 years, he lived a long life as a cat. I don't say I was not crying, but I can accept his death in calm somehow, that could be the reason. It's not entirely (such as I could give him XX ) , but basically, I'm satisfied with his life.
There is one major regret - I could have started to draw his (my cats) 4 koma earlier. I had 17 years! What a loss - he had a lot of funny episodes. It's not only to show someone, but for myself. You can't remember everything.
Because of my 4koma manga about him, not only "my cat" but also as a cat has certain lovable character, many people shared my loss of him. It makes me happy.
Thank you very much.